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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Life More Exciting
If you find yourself spending too much time with the television remote in your hand or taking too many daytime naps, it could be that you’re simply bored with the life you’re living. Maybe you have a home that suits you and a job you like, yet you feel like...
8 Ways to Fuel Your Motivation
Motivation is a common commodity when you’re heading to the beach or shopping for a new car. But some tasks are not enjoyable, and motivation can be challenging to find. Creating motivation is a skill, and there are several techniques that can be helpful. The ability...
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Life More Exciting
If you find yourself spending too much time with the television remote in your hand or taking too many daytime naps, it could be that you’re simply bored with the life you’re living. Maybe you have a home that suits you and a job you like, yet you feel like...
4 Strategies for Overcoming Perfectionism
Perfectionists strive to be the best at everything they do, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Many perfectionists excel in their fields. But that doesn’t mean that this personality trait isn’t without its downsides. When a minor setback feels like a major...
4 Tips to Finally Find Your Passion
Are you tired enough of living your current life to make a serious change? It’s easy to be told to “follow your passion.” That’s great advice, if you could figure out where your passions lie. There are many ways to find your passion, but it’s not necessarily easy. We...
7 Inspiring Ways to Maintain Your Motivation
When it comes to getting things accomplished, motivation can be hard to come by. Yet, motivation is exactly what is needed. A small amount of motivation is required to do small, simple things, like brushing your teeth. Bigger tasks require more motivation to complete....
I Embrace And Take Advantage Of Change.
Change is a constant in life. Even though change can be scary, I actually enjoy it. Change provides many opportunities for adventure, abundance, and personal growth. Most of the positive things in my life come about when something changes. Everything changes. Failing...
16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By Today
Your experiences are shaped by your thinking. Even obstacles have a value when you can see it. You can develop convictions that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation. Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using...
14 Intrinsic Motivation Secrets for Making Everything Better
Scientists, teachers, and business leaders have spent a lot of time trying to find more effective ways to motivate people. However, one thing is certain. Intrinsic motivation works better than external pressure. Take a look at how to tap into inner sources of...
11 Tips to Self Motivate
Even the most experienced and successful achievers can use a little help getting motivated from time to time. Motivating yourself is a learnable skill. Everyone procrastinates at times. It’s human nature. Several tactics and strategies can lift your motivation to the...
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